Human Microbiome Action is an EU-funded Horizon 2020 project aiming to maximize the impact of European microbiome research and innovation to tackle the epidemics of chronic diseases. At the core of the project’s mission is the ambition to create coherence and harmony in the way microbiome research is and will be performed.
By aligning, structuring and providing direction to EU microbiome research, the project will contribute to reach a health care system that takes into consideration the human microbiome.
The project will last for 3 years (2021-2024) and is coordinated by France’s National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE).

Why the Human Microbiome Action?

Understanding the microbiome has enormous potential in public health, particularly in the prevention and treatment of many non-communicable diseases. Yet despite promising advances in microbiome research in recent years, meaningful clinical applications, scientific sound diet and lifestyle recommendations and public health guidance from research outcomes are still lacking. One crucial reason for this shortfall in harnessing the microbiome’s potential is the lack of commonly used and accepted foundational approaches within research.
The Human Microbiome Action project will develop a range of guidance documents and recommendations for researchers, public health officials and industry stakeholders to provide roadmaps for necessary foundations and key actions that allow for aligned microbiome research in the future.
Our vision
With the Human Microbiome Action Project, human microbiomes will be recognized for their true value to help secure the future of mankind.
With the Human Microbiome Project, human microbiomes will be recognized for their true value to help secure the future of mankind.
To improve microbiome research methods for a better understanding of how to make use of what we know about the microbiome in day-to-day health management.
To define a reference for a healthy human microbiome and shape the understanding of how it is maintained.
To raise awareness of the importance of the microbiome for public health policy, personalised health management and medical applications.
To pave the way for microbiome biomarkers towards a clinical approach for detecting common diseases.
To set new standards in microbiome research to advance international comparability of methods and findings for further innovations.
To set minimum research standards in microbiome science.
To provide guidance for funding bodies for improved microbiome R&I strategies.
To initiate the establishment of a European Microbiome Centre Consortium that works towards Europe-wide and international coherence and ensures the sustainability of the project.
Human Microbiome Action brings together 17 European partners in a unique collaboration between scientific experts, medical doctors, the private sector, editors, funding agencies and regulatory agencies with expertise in the fields of:
Human Microbiome Action also mobilizes a number of stakeholders worldwide that hold interest in the future of microbiome science in the form of a Strategic Steering Committee and the Scientific Advisory Board. Whilst not forming part of the project consortium, they will provide strategic advice from an external point of view and take part in the consensus-building process. By supporting the Human Microbiome Action network and participating in general meetings and project workshops, they ensure the optimal transfer and dissemination of project results and maximize its impact.